
失约道歉信英语作文 篇一

Dear [Name],

I am writing this letter to express my deepest apologies for not being able to attend our scheduled meeting on [date]. I understand that my absence must have caused inconveniences and may have disrupted your plans, and for that, I am truly sorry.

The reason for my absence is an unexpected family emergency that required my immediate attention. I received a call just a few hours before the meeting, informing me of the situation. As much as I wanted to attend the meeting and fulfill my commitment, I had no choice but to prioritize my family's needs.

I understand that my absence may have caused frustration and disappointment, especially considering the importance of the meeting. I assure you that this was not a decision I took lightly, and I deeply regret any negative impact it may have caused. I understand the value of your time and the efforts that were put into organizing the meeting, and I promise to make it up to you.

I would like to propose a new date and time for the meeting. I understand that it may not be easy to reschedule, but I am willing to be flexible and accommodate your availability. Please let me know what works best for you, and I will make every effort to ensure that I am present.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and disappointment caused. I value our professional relationship and I hope that you can understand the circumstances that led to my absence. I assure you that this is an exception and I will make every effort to prevent such situations in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and forgiveness. I look forward to hearing from you and rescheduling the meeting.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

失约道歉信英语作文 篇二

Dear [Name],

I am writing this letter to express my sincere apologies for not being able to attend the event we had planned for [date]. I understand that my absence must have caused disappointment and inconvenience, and for that, I am truly sorry.

The reason for my absence is an unexpected illness that struck me on the day of the event. I woke up feeling extremely unwell, with a high fever and severe flu symptoms. It was impossible for me to attend the event in such a condition, as I did not want to risk spreading any contagious illness to others.

I understand that my absence may have disrupted your plans and affected the overall success of the event. I deeply regret any negative impact it may have caused and I take full responsibility for my inability to attend. I understand the importance of the event and the efforts that were put into organizing it, and I promise to make it up to you.

I would like to propose an alternative solution to compensate for my absence. I am willing to contribute to any costs incurred due to my absence or offer my assistance in any way possible to rectify the situation. Please let me know how I can make amends and I will be more than willing to cooperate.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and disappointment caused. I value our relationship and I hope that you can understand the circumstances that led to my absence. I assure you that this is an exception and I will make every effort to prevent such situations in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and forgiveness. I look forward to the opportunity to make it up to you and to attend future events.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

失约道歉信英语作文 篇三

Dear Lee,

Excuse me for my long delay in returning to you your Understanding and Using English Grammar which I read through with great interest. I had finished reading the book and wa about to return it when a friend of mine came to see me.

Never having seen the book, he was so interested in it that I had to retain it longer.

However, I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner. Thanking you for the loan.

Yours truly,


失约道歉信英语作文 篇四

Dear Selma,

My face has been red all morning! How can I apologize for missing our luncheon date yesterday? You know my mind has been on Margies wedding. I was so absorbed in the details of the reception that I completely forgot about our date.

Please forgive me. Lets make it next Tuesday. I promise to tie a string around my finger so I wont forget.


Li Ming

失约道歉信英语作文 篇五

dear frank:

i am terribly sorry to tell you that i have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week. i read it everyday and intended to finish it next month. last night when i came to my room, it was nowhere to be found. i will try to recover it as soon as possible. if i fail to find it, i will get a new book for you.

but i am afraid it can never take the place of the old one. old books are like old friends. once lost, they can never be replaced. they are connected with cherished associations which the new ones can never have. and for this irrecoverable loss, i am to blame. i was so careless with my things. this is a warning to me to be more careful in the future.

yours truly,


失约道歉信英语作文 篇六

dear bob,

im writing to apologize for having forgotten to return the the beatles cd to you when i left canada,i was in such a hurry that i packed everything in my luggage without checking carefully.had i paid more attention then,i wouldnt have made such a stupid mistake.

now something must be done to solve the problem because i understand you cherish the cd enormously.i can either send it to you by express mail or alternatively compensate you at a reasonable price.if you do not mind,i may bring it back to you next time i go to canada.

please let me know which solution you prefer at your earliest convenience.i really hope you will accept my sincere apology.

faithfully yours,

li ming





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