
OMIC Introduction

OMIC (Omic Integrated Care) is a comprehensive healthcare system that integrates various omic technologies to provide personalized and precision medicine. By combining genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and other omic disciplines, OMIC aims to identify individual biomarkers and deliver targeted therapies for improved patient outcomes.

The foundation of OMIC lies in the understanding that each individual is unique, and their response to diseases and treatments can vary significantly. Traditional healthcare approaches often adopt a one-size-fits-all approach, which may not be effective for all patients. With OMIC, healthcare providers can tailor treatments based on an individual's genetic makeup, lifestyle factors, and environmental influences, leading to more effective and efficient healthcare delivery.

OMIC utilizes advanced technologies such as next-generation sequencing, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics to analyze and interpret large-scale omic data. By integrating these data and leveraging artificial intelligence algorithms, OMIC can generate comprehensive profiles of each patient, including their genetic variations, protein expression levels, metabolic profiles, and other relevant omic information. These profiles provide valuable insights into disease mechanisms, treatment response, and potential drug targets.

One of the key benefits of OMIC is its ability to identify biomarkers that can predict disease susceptibility, progression, and treatment response. By analyzing genetic variations and other omic data, OMIC can identify specific genetic markers associated with an increased risk of developing certain diseases. This allows for early identification and intervention, potentially preventing the onset of diseases or enabling early treatment for better outcomes.

In addition to disease prevention and treatment, OMIC also supports precision medicine by guiding the selection of optimal therapies for each patient. By analyzing a patient's omic profile, OMIC can identify specific biomarkers that indicate the likelihood of a positive response to a particular drug or therapy. This information can help healthcare providers make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary treatments, reducing the risk of adverse reactions and improving patient outcomes.

OMIC Application: English Version

OMIC is a revolutionary healthcare system that harnesses the power of omic technologies to provide personalized and precise medicine. By integrating genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and other omic disciplines, OMIC offers a comprehensive approach to healthcare that takes into account individual variations and delivers targeted therapies.

To apply for OMIC services, patients can follow a simple process. Firstly, patients need to consult with a healthcare provider who is affiliated with OMIC. During the consultation, the healthcare provider will collect relevant medical history, lifestyle information, and any available omic data, such as genetic test results.

Once the necessary information is gathered, the healthcare provider will submit the patient's data to OMIC's integrated system. OMIC's advanced algorithms and analytical tools will then process the data and generate a comprehensive omic profile for the patient. This profile includes information on genetic variations, protein expression levels, metabolic profiles, and other relevant omic data.

Based on the omic profile, the healthcare provider can then make informed decisions regarding disease prevention, treatment plans, and drug selection. The patient will receive personalized recommendations tailored to their unique genetic makeup and other omic factors.

To fully benefit from OMIC, patients may need to undergo additional omic testing and monitoring. This may involve genetic sequencing, proteomic analysis, or other relevant tests. The results from these tests will enhance the patient's omic profile and provide further insights into their health status and treatment options.

In conclusion, OMIC is a cutting-edge healthcare system that leverages omic technologies to provide personalized and precise medicine. By integrating various omic disciplines, OMIC offers a comprehensive approach to healthcare that takes into account individual variations and delivers targeted therapies. The application process for OMIC involves consultation with a healthcare provider, submission of relevant data, and generation of a comprehensive omic profile. With OMIC, patients can benefit from personalized recommendations and improved healthcare outcomes.

OMIC介绍以及OMIC申请英文版本 篇三


日本海外货物检验株式会社 (OMIC)

1.出口商提供发票与装箱单给客户向当地OMIC申请一个FORM M. NO.,
2.FORM M. NO.下来后,客人应要将FORM传真给出口商,上面会有出口商的名字(一定得准确)和进口商的名字及发票金额,以后所有OMIC的文件应与L/C和此FORM相符. 如发现FORM有不符的地方应尽快站客户申请更改.
3.出口商收到FORM之后,在FORM的表头会有上海OMIC总部的电话,此电话非常繁忙,而且有一定的上班时间限制,要不停重拨,接通后出口商只要报出FORM M.NO,对方就可以帮你查询上海是否有接收到此FORM的通知.

.如上海已经接收到伊方的FORM,那么出口商就可以预先向OMIC申请检验. 申请资料包括(与客户申请公证时一致的发票,装箱单,出口商手上收到的FORM),在FORM中出口商须注意是什么柜形,是否有分批出货,大约验货的时间与验货的地点+联络人+电话,在传给上海24个小时之后再打电话问询上海是否有接收到此申请,并且问他们大概会在几时(一般是他们收到FORM的三天内)下放到出口商所在地省会OMIC协办点(一般是省商检局).
3.一切OK后, 将装柜后的发票装箱单给检验部门(一般要求24小时内传真),如果检验部门审核通过后,他们会传送到省会再传送到上海OMIC,如果出口商想知道内容是否符合要求,可以在传送给省会后询问省会那边.

2.装柜数量最好不要溢装,可以短装, 溢装规定如L/C不限制的话,OMIC是限制在10%以内. 如果总数量不变,箱数改变也是可以接受的.
3.正本提单上一字得有FORM.M.NO. 和CRI. NO.,否则客户提不到货.
4.以上操作经验是在两年前了, 不知现在OMIC有没有什么新动向,请向他们咨询.


Overseas Merchandise Inspection Co.,Ltd (OMIC) is one of the internationa inspection companies designated by ISIRI(Institure of Standards&Industrial Research of Iran) to perform pre-shipment inspection (ISIRI Scheme). Price evaluation and issuance of relevant inspection certificates
1) Inspection Certificate
In case of Standard No. nominates, plus
(2) Certificate of Inspection/ Verification of Conformity ( COI/VOC)
(3) Test Report-issued by manufacturer, attested by OMIC
(4) Manufacturer’s Declaration/Supplier’s Declaration (MD/SD) ? issued by manufacturer, attested by OMIC
In case of price evaluation/analysis required, plus
(5) Clean Report of Finding (CRF)
CCIC shanghai is the only domestic inspection corporation obtained authorization form OMIC to perform price evaluation and issuance of CRF, further details to be fot from the .

China Certification and Inspection Group GUANGDONG CO.,LTD, is one of the domest

ic inspection corporations obtained authorization from OMIC to perform preshipment inspection (ISIRI Scheme) and issuance of relevant inspection documents in continent China on behalf of OMIC.

Your cargo belong to
1) L/C No.,
2) P/I No,
3) Buyer’s name
4) Goods name & quantity
Is to be performed inspection by OMIC before shipment.

The procedure and requirements are as follows:
1, Application of inspection
1) Documents to be submitted at the time of inspection applivation
A. One copy of Proforma Invoice or Contract
B. One copy of Packing List
C. One copy of L/C
D. One copy of Application Form for Inspection
E. One original and one copy of Mill Certificate submitted by the trader or manufacturer
In case , International standard is mentioned in the LC & PI, following documents/ requirement also must be submitted/complied with.
F. One original of Manufacturer’s Declaration
G. Confirm that the manufacturer can carry out the test as per this standard or you can find an independent laboratory to perform the test at your cost

2) Points for attention during Inspection Application
A. An applicant must submit filled-up application form of inspection and the documents to be submitted at the time of inspection application by fax three days before inspection.
B. You are requestd to inform our company beforehand, in case special requirements for inspection ( Such as submission of COI/VOC report, ussuance CRF report) are mentioned in the L/C.
C. You are requested to inform our company of warehouse number at time of application of inspection if it is possible.

A. Completed products mush be stuffed in containers after completion of the inspection
B. The cargo must be stuffed into container under the supervision of inspector of our company
C. .Required inspection equipment ( Such as weighing machine, packing machine and unpacking tools etc.) and workers, must be prepared at the inspection site.
In case, International Standard is mentioned in the L/C & P/I (which means COI/VOC to be issued)
D. Test facilities must be prepared, test must be done under the witness of our inspector as per the required international standard otherwise
Sample will be taken by our inspector at site and the exporter is responsible for sending the sample to an independent laboratory for test at their cost.

1) Required documents at the time of issuance of certificate
A. One copy of Final Commercial Invoice
B. One copy of Final Packing List ( If anything changed)
C. One copy of Original B/L
D. One copy of bank notice for remittance of inspection fee
E. Declaration of Conformity
If case, Internationa Standard is mentioned in the L/C & P/I,
F. One original and one copy of test report issued on the letterheas of manufacturer or on the letterhead pf independent laboratory.

2) Points for attention
A. Our company will issue draft of the certificates within 48 hours after receving correct and complete documents from your company for your confirmation.
B. Our company is , in principle, not able to provide services such as amendment( after confirmation by you), double issuing or supplement of the ceretificate, unless such special requirement is approved or instructed by OMIC Headquarter.
C. The Test Report issued by an independent laboratory certifies only the quantity and quality of the relavant cargo under and cannot be use repeatedly.
D. Our company will , in princilple, deliver the original certificates to you by safe cost service. But we will not bear any responsibility , and will not accpt the application to issue a new certificate again, if the previous certificates is lost by delivery service, bank, your company re your importer, unless we receive official explanation letter with seal and get approval from OMIC Headquarter.





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