英语四级考试作弊检讨书 篇一
Cheating in the English CET-4 Examination: A Reflection
Dear Professor,
I am writing this letter to express my sincere remorse for my recent behavior of cheating in the English CET-4 examination. I fully understand the consequences of my actions and would like to take this opportunity to reflect upon my behavior and convey my commitment to personal growth and ethical conduct.
First and foremost, I would like to apologize for violating the integrity of the examination process. Cheating not only undermines the credibility of the examination system but also disrespects the efforts of my peers who have studied diligently and honestly. My dishonesty not only reflects poorly on me but also tarnishes the reputation of the institution and the degree I am striving to achieve.
Upon reflection, I realize that my decision to cheat was driven by fear and insecurity. I was overwhelmed by the pressure to perform well in the examination and succumbed to the misguided belief that cheating would guarantee a favorable outcome. However, I now understand that true success lies in hard work, dedication, and personal growth. Cheating not only hinders my academic development but also robs me of the opportunity to truly learn and improve my English skills.
Moving forward, I am committed to making amends for my actions and rebuilding trust with both my professors and peers. I understand that trust is earned through consistent and ethical behavior, and I am determined to demonstrate my integrity through my future actions. I will actively engage in my studies, seek help when needed, and develop effective study strategies to improve my English proficiency.
Furthermore, I am willing to accept any disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by the institution. I understand that my actions have consequences, and I am prepared to face them with humility and a willingness to learn from my mistakes. I hope that through this process, I can not only rectify my past behavior but also grow into a more responsible and ethical individual.
In conclusion, I deeply regret my decision to cheat in the English CET-4 examination. I understand the gravity of my actions and the negative impact it has on both myself and the academic community. I am committed to rectifying my behavior, rebuilding trust, and becoming a more ethical and responsible student. I sincerely apologize for my actions and hope for the opportunity to redeem myself.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
英语四级考试作弊检讨书 篇二
Cheating in the English CET-4 Examination: A Lesson Learned
Dear Professor,
I am writing this letter to express my sincere regret for my recent behavior of cheating in the English CET-4 examination. I would like to take this opportunity to reflect upon my actions, express my commitment to personal growth, and convey my determination to make amends for my past behavior.
First and foremost, I want to acknowledge the gravity of cheating and the impact it has on both myself and the academic community. Cheating undermines the values of honesty, integrity, and fairness, which are the cornerstones of a successful educational institution. I deeply regret compromising these values and fully understand the consequences of my actions.
Upon reflection, I realize that my decision to cheat was driven by a lack of confidence in my abilities. I allowed fear and self-doubt to cloud my judgment and believed that cheating was the only way to achieve success. However, I now understand that true success comes from personal growth, hard work, and perseverance. Cheating not only hinders my academic progress but also prevents me from developing the skills and knowledge necessary for future success.
Moving forward, I am committed to making amends for my actions and rebuilding trust with both my professors and peers. I understand that earning trust requires consistent and ethical behavior, and I am determined to demonstrate my integrity through my future actions. I plan to fully engage in my studies, seek help when needed, and develop effective study strategies to improve my English proficiency.
Furthermore, I am willing to accept any disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by the institution. I understand that my actions have consequences, and I am prepared to face them with humility and a willingness to learn from my mistakes. I hope that through this process, I can not only rectify my past behavior but also grow into a more responsible and ethical individual.
In conclusion, I deeply regret my decision to cheat in the English CET-4 examination. I understand the negative impact it has had on both myself and the academic community. I am committed to learning from my mistakes, rebuilding trust, and becoming a more ethical and responsible student. I sincerely apologize for my actions and hope for the opportunity to redeem myself.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
英语四级考试作弊检讨书 篇三
错误的性质是严重的。我在英语四级考试的时候写答案于小纸条上,并且试图将其传给其他的同学,这是有悖学生的行为,其结果损害了多方利益,在学校造成极坏的影响。这种行为,即使是并没有把答案传给别人,或者给别人答案 ,仍然是不对的,此举本身就是违背了做学生的原则。我只是顾着自己的利益,和一时的想法,完全不理会监考老师的感受。这也是不对的,人是社会的人,大家不应该只是想着自己,我这么做,害的那个是那个同学,他期盼着我的答案,我这样做,看似在帮助他,实际上是在害他。而且,考试的时候作弊本身也是对监考老师的不尊重。所以,当监考老师把这件事情告知学校,也是为了让我深刻的认识到这点。
再次,我这种行为还在学校同学间造成了及其坏的影响,破坏了学校的形象。同学之间本应该互相学习,互相促进,而我这种表现,给同学们带了一个坏头,不利于学校和院系的学风建设。同时,也对学校形象造成了一定损害,“中国地质大学”在人们心目中一直是一个学术严谨的学校,我们应该去维护这个形象而不是去破坏它!虽然我在考试的时候写答案给别的同学,这是作弊行为,我和那个同学关系很好,他找我帮忙,当时不忍心和侥幸心理之下量成了现在的后果。虽然助人为乐是中华民族的优良传统美德,是当代大学生理应具备的品质。现在我才深刻的意识到这不是助人为乐。我在考试的时候将答案写在小纸条上,还传给其他同学,这并不是真的在帮别人,同时也是在害自己和同学们,考试是用来平衡学生学习的好坏,不论是什么原因把答案传给别人,或者还没给别人 ,都是很不对的,违背了做学生的原则。当然,我不能说我是为了帮助别的同学取得好的成绩才作弊的,这是不能成为我作弊的理由。鲁迅先生说过:不友善的帮助就是恶意的伤害。我只有认真反思,寻找错误后面的深刻根源,认清问题的本质,才能给集体和自己一个交待,从而得以进步。做为一名学生我没有做好自己的本职,本应该把正确的答案写在考卷上,而我却给了别人,辜负了老师平时对我的教育之恩,老师含辛茹苦的把知识教会我们,是想让我们做一个对社会有用的人,其实考试的目的只是检验我们学的如何,通过考试来看我们那里学的薄弱,而我却帮助他人欺骗把知识无私的教给我们的老师,我现在已经彻底认识到我的行为不仅没有起到帮助同学的目的,反而是害了他,也对老师是一种欺骗行为.自从接受了老师对我的批评教育,我已经深刻认识到这件事情的严重性,老师教育我说明老师是非常的关心我,爱护我,所以我今后要听老师的话,充分领会理解老师对我们的要求,并保证不会在有类似的事情发生,如果在考试中别的同学不会,我不在 告诉他,而是在考完后主动的去教他,这样既可以帮助老师分优,有可以使不会的同学掌握了没有学会的同学,帮助老师给班里营造互帮互学的气氛。望老师给我改过自新的机会.老师是希望我们成为社会的栋梁,所以我在今后学校的学习生活中更加的努力,不仅把老师教我们的知识学好,更要学好如何做人 ,做一个对社会有用的人,一个正直的人,使老师心慰的好学生,老师如同父母对我们的爱都是无私的,所以我 也要把老师对我们的无私精神去发扬,通过这件事情我深刻的感受到老师对我们那种恨铁不成钢的心情,使我心理感到非常的愧疚,我太感谢老师对我的这次深刻的教育,它使我在今后的人生道路上找到了方向,对我的一生有无法用语言表达的作用.我所犯的错误的性质是严重的。我在考试的时候作弊实际上就是做假骗人,其结果损害了多方利益,在班上和系里面造成极坏的影响。这种不择手段达到成功目的的行为,即使考试的老师允许,此举本身就是违背了学生的职业道德和专心治学的精神、违背了公平竞争的原则。这样一种极其错误的行为就是典型的锦标主义。尤其是发生在我这样的二十一世纪的一代青年身上。弘扬中国地质大学的拼搏精神,走顽强拼搏进取之路既是我的责任,也是我坚定不移的前进方向。然而,我的行为却背道而驰。一个优秀上进的大学生当然要努力
争取好的成绩,但不能不顾一切、不择手段地去达到目的,这是一个关系到如何成人,如何成才的一个重大原则问题。一个人的成长和进步,不仅仅是学业上的提高,更重要的是思想、作风方面上的培养和锤炼。我忽视了这样一个重要的问题,为此而犯了方向性的错误。我所犯错误的影响是很坏的。考试作弊写小纸条,在考场上就直接造成不尊重同学、不尊重老师、不尊重父母的恶劣影响。过去,中国地质大学在中国重点大学中不仅是成绩好、思想好,在精神风貌、队纪礼仪、学术建设等方面也享有较好的声誉,而由于我的错误,大大损害了中国地质大学的形象;本来,老师是对我很器重的,然而,我的错误深深地伤害了他们的心;我是一个老生,我所犯的错误,无疑产生了很大的负面影响,带了一个坏头;新的同学,她们年轻、有朝气、有潜力,在她们成长的过程中,由于我所犯错误,给她们带来了不应有的负面影响和不应承受的思想压力。总之,们为自己所犯的错误而带来的这一切而深感痛心和后悔。 我所犯的错误教训是深刻的。上级老师,同学都委以重任并寄予厚望,我自己也一直感到责任重大不敢苟且,认真学习,全力投入。但事实证明,仅仅是热情投入、刻苦努力、钻研学业是不够的,还要有清醒的政治头脑、大局意识和纪律观念,否则就会在学习上迷失方向,使国家和学校受损失。我知道,造成如此大的损失,我必须要承担尽管是承担不起的责任,尤其是作在重点高校接受教育的人,在此错误中应负不可推卸的主要责任。我真诚地接受批评,并愿意接受处理。对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省,恳请老师相信我能够记取教训、改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。同时也真诚地希望老师能继续关心和支持我,并却对我的问题酌情处理。