
担保书英文 篇一

Title: English Guarantee Letter

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing this letter to confirm and guarantee the payment of [Amount in Words] (USD [Amount in Numbers]) on behalf of [Name of Guarantor]. This guarantee is provided in reference to the transaction between [Name of Creditor] and [Name of Debtor], and to ensure that the payment will be made in full and on time.

[Name of Guarantor] fully understands and accepts the responsibility of providing this guarantee, and hereby guarantees the payment to [Name of Creditor] within the agreed timeframe. The guarantee will remain in effect until the full payment is received by [Name of Creditor].

In the event that the debtor fails to fulfill their payment obligations, [Name of Guarantor] will assume full responsibility for the outstanding amount. This guarantee is unconditional and shall not be affected by any change in circumstances or agreements between the creditor and debtor.

Please be assured that [Name of Guarantor] has the financial capability to fulfill this guarantee, and all necessary measures will be taken to ensure the payment is made in a timely manner. If, for any reason, the payment is not made by the agreed date, [Name of Guarantor] will take immediate action to rectify the situation and fulfill the obligation.

This guarantee is made in good faith and is legally binding. [Name of Guarantor] acknowledges that any failure to fulfill this guarantee may result in legal consequences. This guarantee is governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction].

If you require any further information or documentation regarding this guarantee, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Guarantor's Contact Details]. We appreciate your trust and confidence in the guarantor's ability to fulfill this obligation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Guarantor's Name]

[Guarantor's Signature]


担保书英文 篇二

Title: English Guarantee Letter

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Subject: Guarantee for [Name of Debtor]

I, [Name of Guarantor], hereby provide this guarantee in support of [Name of Debtor] and their financial obligations. This guarantee is issued in reference to the agreement made between [Name of Debtor] and [Name of Creditor] dated [Date of Agreement].

As the guarantor, I fully understand and accept the responsibility of ensuring that [Name of Debtor] fulfills their financial obligations as outlined in the agreement. I guarantee the payment of [Amount in Words] (USD [Amount in Numbers]) on behalf of [Name of Debtor] within the agreed timeframe.

In the event that [Name of Debtor] fails to fulfill their payment obligations, I, [Name of Guarantor], will assume full responsibility for the outstanding amount. This guarantee is valid until the full payment is received by [Name of Creditor] and is not affected by any changes in circumstances or agreements between the debtor and creditor.

I confirm that I have the financial capability to fulfill this guarantee, and I am committed to taking all necessary measures to ensure the payment is made in a timely manner. If, for any reason, the payment is not made by the agreed date, I will take immediate action to rectify the situation and fulfill the obligation.

This guarantee is made in good faith and is legally binding. I acknowledge that any failure to fulfill this guarantee may result in legal consequences. This guarantee is governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction].

Please feel free to contact me at [Guarantor's Contact Details] if you require any further information or documentation regarding this guarantee. I appreciate your trust in my ability to fulfill this obligation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Guarantor's Name]

[Guarantor's Signature]


担保书英文 篇三

To: Canada Embassy

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am the applicant XXX’s father/mather and guarantor for his study in Canada, *****(父亲/母亲名)。 I have been working as the ******(职位名) in *************Co. Ltd. since **** with annual income RMB***, 000 excluding year-end bonus) after tax. For better development in the future, my son, ******** decided to go to Canada for further study. I am willing to provide my avings RMB**0, 000 to support my son. I guarantee that my son ****** will have savings RMB**0, 000 to support himself. I guarantee that my son ****** will have no economic difficulties in Canada and obey the laws and regulations. I am willing to bear all the responsibility if any problems happen. Please give kind consideration to my son *****’s visa application.

Thanks a lot!

I hereby to guarantee!

***** (申请人父亲/母亲) Signature: _____





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