
英文检讨书范文 篇一

Title: Reflecting on My English Performance

Dear [Teacher's Name],

I am writing this letter to reflect on my English performance during this semester and express my sincere apologies for not meeting the expected standards. I deeply regret my lack of progress and would like to outline the areas where I have struggled and my plan for improvement.

Firstly, I have realized that my listening skills need significant improvement. I have found it challenging to understand native speakers and follow along with conversations or lectures. This has often resulted in misunderstandings and difficulty in participating in class discussions. To address this issue, I plan to practice listening to English audio materials regularly and engage in more conversations with English-speaking friends to enhance my listening comprehension.

Secondly, my writing skills have also been a weak point. I have struggled with grammar and sentence structure, leading to frequent errors in my written assignments. Additionally, I have received feedback regarding the lack of coherence and clarity in my essays. To overcome these challenges, I intend to seek extra help from my English tutor and utilize online resources to improve my grammar and writing skills. I will also dedicate more time to planning and organizing my essays to ensure a more coherent and succinct writing style.

Furthermore, I acknowledge that my lack of vocabulary has hindered my ability to express myself effectively. I often find myself searching for the right words and using repetitive phrases, which limits my ability to convey my thoughts accurately. To expand my vocabulary, I plan to read more English literature and articles, actively engage in vocabulary-building exercises, and practice using new words in everyday conversations.

Lastly, I regret not taking full advantage of the opportunities for speaking practice in class. I have been hesitant to contribute to discussions and participate in oral presentations due to a fear of making mistakes and being judged. To overcome this fear, I will actively participate in class activities, seek opportunities to practice speaking with my classmates, and take advantage of any additional speaking practice sessions offered.

In conclusion, I am truly sorry for my underperformance in English this semester. I am committed to making significant improvements in my listening, writing, vocabulary, and speaking skills. I appreciate your guidance and support in helping me achieve my goals. I am confident that with consistent effort and dedication, I will be able to enhance my English proficiency.

Thank you for your understanding and belief in my potential.


[Your Name]

英文检讨书范文 篇二

Title: Reflecting on My English Presentation

Dear [Teacher's Name],

I am writing this letter to reflect on my recent English presentation and express my sincere apologies for not delivering it to the best of my ability. I deeply regret my lack of preparation and would like to outline the areas where I have fallen short and my plan for improvement.

Firstly, I acknowledge that my lack of thorough research and understanding of the topic hindered my ability to present the information effectively. I failed to provide in-depth analysis and supporting evidence, which resulted in a superficial and unconvincing presentation. To address this issue, I plan to allocate more time for research and utilize various sources such as academic journals and reputable websites to gather comprehensive information. I will also practice summarizing and organizing my findings to ensure a clear and coherent presentation.

Secondly, I recognize that my delivery and public speaking skills need improvement. I struggled to maintain eye contact with the audience and speak with confidence and clarity. This affected my ability to engage the audience and effectively convey my ideas. To enhance my public speaking skills, I will enroll in a public speaking course or join a Toastmasters club to gain practical experience and receive constructive feedback. I will also practice my presentation multiple times to improve my delivery and ensure a confident and persuasive delivery.

Furthermore, I regret not adequately preparing for potential questions and challenges from the audience. I was caught off guard during the Q&A session and struggled to provide satisfactory answers. To better prepare for future presentations, I will anticipate potential questions and practice answering them in a concise and knowledgeable manner. I will also seek feedback from classmates or teachers to identify areas where my arguments may be challenged to strengthen my overall presentation.

Lastly, I apologize for not utilizing visual aids effectively during my presentation. I failed to include relevant graphs, charts, or images to support my points, resulting in a lack of visual engagement for the audience. To improve in this aspect, I will familiarize myself with various presentation software and learn how to create visually appealing and informative slides. I will also ensure that the visual aids I use are directly related to the topic and enhance the audience's understanding of the subject matter.

In conclusion, I am sincerely sorry for my inadequate performance during the English presentation. I am committed to making significant improvements in my research, delivery, handling of questions, and use of visual aids. I appreciate your guidance and support in helping me improve my presentation skills. I am confident that with consistent effort and dedication, I will be able to deliver more impactful and engaging presentations in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and belief in my potential.


[Your Name]

英文检讨书范文 篇三

Title: Reflecting on My English Writing Skills and Strategies for Enhancement


In this reflection, I will focus on assessing my English writing skills and identifying strategies to enhance my writing abilities. I will also set goals for myself to improve the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of my written work.


1. Assessing my English writing skills:

Upon evaluation, I have recognized that my English writing skills need improvement. I often struggle with organizing my thoughts, structuring my essays, and using appropriate grammar and vocabulary. As a result, my writing lacks coherence and fails to effectively convey my ideas.

2. Identifying areas for improvement:

a) Organization: I often find it challenging to structure my essays in a logical and coherent manner. This leads to a lack of clarity and makes it difficult for readers to follow my arguments.

b) Grammar and vocabulary: I frequently make grammatical errors and struggle with using a wide range of vocabulary. These shortcomings affect the overall quality of my writing.

c) Clarity and conciseness: My writing sometimes becomes convoluted and lacks clarity. I need to work on expressing my ideas concisely and effectively.

3. Setting goals for improvement:

a) Organization: I will practice outlining my essays before writing them to ensure a clear and logical structure. Additionally, I will seek feedback from peers or instructors to identify areas where my organization can be improved.

b) Grammar and vocabulary: To enhance my grammar and vocabulary, I will engage in regular grammar exercises, use vocabulary-building resources, and consult grammar guides. I will also aim to incorporate new words and phrases into my writing to improve its richness and variety.

c) Clarity and conciseness: I will revise my written work multiple times, paying attention to sentence structure and eliminating unnecessary words. Seeking feedback from others and reading professional writing in English will also help me improve the clarity and conciseness of my writing.


By reflecting on my English writing skills and setting clear goals for improvement, I am confident that I can enhance my ability to express myself effectively on paper. Through consistent practice, seeking feedback, and utilizing effective writing strategies, I believe I will become a more proficient and confident writer in English.

英文检讨书范文 篇四

Mistake this time, I want to a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things, oneself also was remorseful, very air itself, because of his temporary brain thermal impulse to break the iron law school, also deeply realize the seriousness of their mistakes, mistakes feel ashamed about themselves.

Afterwards, I calmly thought for a long time, and my mistake not only caused me trouble, but also delayed my study. Moreover, my behavior has had a bad influence on the school and destroyed the schools management system. Among the students, there was also a bad influence.

Because I a person to make mistakes, to destroy the good environment of school, it is should not, if every classmate such mistakes, so there will not be a good learning environment, students give punishment for rule-breaking is also should, I stayed at home for half a month, I want to a lot of, also realized that he had made a serious mistake, I know, so much of the damage, I should pay for their mistakes, I would want to assume the responsibility of although cant afford to, in this error should bear unshirkable main responsibility. I sincerely accept the criticism and hereby review it again. The school teacher was assured that there would be no fight. Its bad for you and your school.

I will further summarize and reflect on all this, and ask the teacher to believe that I can learn the lesson, correct my mistakes, and redouble my efforts in the future. At the same time, I sincerely hope that the teacher can continue to care and support me, and I will deal with my problems as appropriate.

Student: * * *

**** ** day.

英文检讨书范文 篇五


I am a class * student ***. There are some unpleasant things in the dorm room between lunch and students today. Moving and going back and forth through the teachers teaching, I am deeply aware that the patient, the degree of truth, whatever it is to endure! As the saying goes, a step back to the sky, but I did not do today, after the incident, I feel very sorry! Here, I make an in-depth review!

Is what, today, I buy rice from the canteen, dormitory, and then when you eat me in a dormitory, and strive for the student, he ran quickly, and I play, play my meals out, then turned around and scolded, you are not my eyes? I was on fire, he knocked on me, and he called me out of my lungs, and I went to my dorm room to call more than one of my friends and hit him. Finally, he was dissatisfied. They couldnt find anyone. Then he brought eight people, and we only had three, and I got three quarters out of the knife, ready to frighten him, but not to take a deep breath and cut up two people. That leads to todays results. I am sorry, I cut up, you two students apologize! At the same time, you come to my medical expenses, so that you are at ease in the hospital health!

I knew that it had reached the place where it could not be made up. I decided to go to the hospital to see the two students, and the school promised that it would not be so reckless in the future, if the school did not. What teacher reports the first time, not the private. I hope the teacher can give me leniency.

Sorry, teacher, student, I apologize for my impulsive behavior here. Take time (omit 100 words, write your actual situation)... ... Then, I couldnt restrain my impulse. Instead, I beat each other. Later, I was sorry. First of all, Im sorry that my parents, I have failed to live up to their upbringing, and have been beating themselves up, and this will bring a lot of trouble to their parents. Similarly, Im sorry teachers, teachers should teach us how to be a person, but I got to listen to the teacher, not to listen, this is the teachers education. Again, Im sorry that the student who was hit, the violence is likely to b

e hurt and it affects his future prospects. Finally, Im sorry, this is my self-indulgence, a lack of self-restraint.

Since school, the school has repeatedly stressed the importance of learning discipline, discipline is necessary for learning, I dont own the good discipline, and even fight seriously damaged in the school discipline. Combat is a superficial phenomenon, into the heart of the reason, is the lack of rational thinking, problem solving, seeking temporary topic, violence as a means to solve the problem, not much said, the idea is not conducive to personal growth and development, said, this thought hindered the construction of a harmonious society, I am here to teachers, students and school leaders, to ensure that, ponder and reflect their inner errors, I hope the teacher and classmates turned over, give me a chance, I promise, if we meet, I want to think twice before you do, no longer do not reckless behavior responsibility consciousness.

Student: * * *

**** ** day.













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