天安门广场导游词中英文版 篇一
Tiananmen Square Tour Guide Script - Part 1
Tiananmen Square is one of the most important and famous urban squares in China. It is also a landmark and tourist attraction in Beijing. The square covers an area of 440,000 square meters and can accommodate up to one million people. Today, I will take you on a tour of this historic place and introduce its history and culture.
Firstly, let's learn about the history of Tiananmen Square. The construction of the square began during the Ming Dynasty, but it became the size it is today in the 1950s. The name of the square comes from the Tiananmen Gate, which is an ancient city gate and one of the symbols of the People's Republic of China. The square used to be the imperial city of ancient Beijing and was the place where emperors held major ceremonies and celebrations. Today, the square has become a popular location for people's gatherings and sightseeing.
The center of the square is the Tiananmen Gate Tower, which stands at a height of 38 meters and is one of the most important symbols of China. The Chinese national flag is hoisted above the gate tower, and the flag-raising ceremony every morning attracts many tourists. Below the gate tower is the main part of the square, which consists of wide roads and open spaces for visitors to relax and play. On the south side of the square is the Monument to the People's Heroes, which was built to commemorate the heroic resistance of the Chinese people against foreign invasions. On the north side is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, which was built to commemorate Mao Zedong, the leader of the Chinese revolution.
In addition to these main buildings, the square also features other attractions and monuments, such as the National Museum of China and the Great Hall of the People. These buildings are masterpieces of modern architecture and showcase Chinese art and culture.
When visiting Tiananmen Square, you can also enjoy traditional art and cultural performances. Dragon and lion dances, as well as Peking Opera performances, are held on the square every morning and evening, attracting a large number of spectators. Furthermore, the square hosts various cultural events and celebrations, attracting tourists from all over the world.
Lastly, I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to safety. Tiananmen Square is a crowded place, so please stay vigilant, especially when taking photos and exploring. Do not touch or climb any buildings to avoid accidents.
Thank you for listening, and I hope you have a pleasant time at Tiananmen Square! Enjoy your trip in Beijing!
天安门广场导游词中英文版 篇二
Tiananmen Square Tour Guide Script - Part 2
Tiananmen Square is a symbol of Chinese history and culture, as well as a spiritual home for the Chinese people. As one of the largest urban squares in China, it attracts countless tourists and visitors. Today, I will take you to explore the history, culture, and important features of Tiananmen Square.
Firstly, let's learn about the history of Tiananmen Square. The construction of the square began during the Ming Dynasty, but it became the size it is today in the 1950s. The name of the square comes from the Tiananmen Gate, which is an ancient city gate and one of the symbols of the People's Republic of China. The square used to be the imperial city of ancient Beijing and was the place where emperors held major ceremonies and celebrations. The square has witnessed many significant events and transformations in Chinese history, becoming a symbol of the Chinese people's struggle and unity.
The iconic building of the square is the Tiananmen Gate Tower, which stands at a height of 38 meters and is one of the most important symbols of China. The flag-raising ceremony is held here every morning and attracts a large number of tourists. Below the gate tower is the main part of the square, which consists of wide roads and open spaces for visitors to relax and play. On the south side of the square is the Monument to the People's Heroes, which was built to commemorate the heroic resistance of the Chinese people against foreign invasions. On the north side is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, which was built to commemorate Mao Zedong, the leader of the Chinese revolution.
In addition to these main buildings, the square also features other attractions and monuments, such as the National Museum of China and the Great Hall of the People. These buildings are masterpieces of modern architecture and showcase Chinese art and culture.
When visiting Tiananmen Square, you can also enjoy traditional art and cultural performances. Dragon and lion dances, as well as Peking Opera performances, are held on the square every morning and evening, attracting a large number of spectators. Furthermore, the square hosts various cultural events and celebrations, attracting tourists from all over the world.
Tiananmen Square is also a symbol of patriotism and unity for the Chinese people. Various gatherings and celebrations are often held on the square, attracting countless people. Every stone on the square bears witness to the efforts and dedication of the Chinese people, representing their unity and strength.
Lastly, I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to safety. Tiananmen Square is a crowded place, so please stay vigilant, especially when taking photos and exploring. Do not touch or climb any buildings to avoid accidents.
Thank you for listening, and I hope you have a pleasant time at Tiananmen Square! Enjoy your trip in Beijing!
天安门广场导游词中英文版 篇三
广场的东侧矗立着中国历史博物馆及中国革 命博物馆,完工于1959年,那里是收藏并展览中国古代、近代历史文物及革命文物 的主要场所。
在人民英雄纪念碑的南面是毛 主席纪念堂,原来在那里曾有一座门,明代叫大明门,清代叫大清门,民国时又改为中华门,解放后拆除,1976年毛主席逝世后在其基址上建起了庄严肃穆的毛主席纪念堂。纪念堂建成于1977年,是为纪念伟大领袖毛主席而建,现在毛主席的遗体 安然地躺在水晶棺中,供人们凭吊、瞻仰、表达深深的敬意。
广场的正中,巍巍耸立着中国第一碑——人 民英雄纪念碑,它是为了纪念那些自1840年鸦片战争至1949年中华人民共和国成立这一百多年来为中华民族的独立及自由而抛头颅、洒热血的人民英雄们而建。整座纪念碑高37.94米,座落在双层基座之上,碑座四周镶嵌有八幅汉白玉浮雕,反映了中国近百年革命历史。纪念碑的背面是毛主席起草,周总理手书的碑文,正面是毛 主席亲笔题写的“人民英雄永垂不朽”八个镏金大字。
天安门广场是中国近代革命的见证人,反帝 反封建的五四运动、三˙一八惨案、一二˙九都发生在这里。天安门广场也是新中 国诞生的见证人,更是今天人民幸福生活的见证人。现在,它已被全国人民评为“ 中国第一景”,每天都有来自海内外的朋友们到此参观游览。
好!不多说啦!各位一定想在这里照几张相 吧?现在就请各位自由拍照,10分钟后我们在北面国旗杆处集合,谢谢大家!
各位朋友,我们现在来到国旗杆前,大家知 道吗?自1991年5月1日起,这里每天都有升降旗的仪式,那么升旗时间是根据什么而定的呢?那位朋友知道?其实升旗时间是以我国东海太阳自海平面升起的时间为准。每天早晨,伴随着雄壮的国歌,在国旗护卫队的护卫下,升旗手将国旗冉冉升 起,升旗时间为2分零7秒。
每当建军节、国 庆节及每月1日、11日、21日,升旗现场都有军乐队伴奏,国旗护卫队官兵共96人, 象征捍卫祖国九百六十万平方公里的土地。
这里是在天安门前留影的最佳地点 ,请各位拍下这难忘的一刻,待会儿我再给各位讲讲天安门。
2、 位置
3、 始建年代 及历史沿革(作用)
4、 建筑特点
5、 城楼前陈设 (含国旗)
(二)介绍位置: 国旗杆东北角或西北角
(三) 导游词
天安门是新中国的象征,它位于天安 门广场北端,始建于50
0多年前的明代,当时它并不叫天安门,而叫承天门,取“承天启运、受命于天”之意。当年规模也很小,明末毁于战火。清顺治年间,即公元 1651年重建后,才有了今天的规模,且改名为“天安门”,取“受命于天,安邦治 国”之意。在明清天安门是举行“金凤颁诏 ”的地方。所谓金凤颁诏,即是皇帝下圣旨后,由专人在天安门城楼上把圣旨放在 一只木制“金凤”的口中,然后从城楼正中垛口用黄丝带将“金凤”放下,城楼下 有人以用云朵装饰的漆盘接旨,送到礼部抄写后告示天下。
也是在天安门城楼上,1949年10月1日下午3 点,伟大领袖毛主席向全世界庄严宣告了中华人民共和国的成立,那是全中国人民 期盼已久的日子,随着国歌的奏响,随着五星红旗的升起,中国人民从此站起来了 。
天安门城楼高33.7米,建筑等级很高,这 从城楼的殿顶形式、彩绘等处都表现出来,处处显示着当年皇家的威严,城楼开五个门洞,正中门洞上悬挂着毛主席的巨幅油画像。在天安门城楼前对着五个门洞有五座汉白玉石桥,叫做金水桥。正中最宽广的一座名为御路桥,供皇帝出入专用;其东西两侧的两座桥为皇族桥,就是专供皇亲国戚们通行的桥;再两侧的石桥为品级桥,凡三品以上大臣才可通过。小官、杂役怎么办?对不起,那年代官大一级压死人,官小一级跑断腿,小官小吏只能跑跑腿,从当年东侧太庙及西侧社稷坛旁的 两座小石桥通过金水河再到大内。 除金水桥 外,天安门前陈设二对石狮,它们像卫士一样威严守卫着天安门,除此以外还有一 对象石柱一样的陈设物,大家知道它们叫什么名字,是做什么用的吗?对了,它们 的名字叫华表。现在我们从地下通道过马路,过一会儿我给大家讲一讲华表的历史
各位 请看,这就是华表。最早的华表出现在尧舜时期,是木制的,当时称其为“诽谤木 ”。哎!各位别误会,当时的“诽谤”不是诬陷别人的意思,而是“纳谏”的意思,即为了征求民众的意见而设于路边的木桩,人们可以在木桩中写下自己对当权者的意见及建议,以示“参政”。华表在当时又被称“表木”,即我们今天的路标,用以给人们提示方向。到了秦汉,“诽谤木”还在,但再没有人敢“诽谤”当权者了,它的质地从木制变成石制,位置也从路旁搬到了帝王宫殿的门口。后来,“诽谤木”便成了当时帝王们显示权利的特殊陈设品,用以标榜自己有尧舜之贤、广纳民意。又将“诽谤木”更名为华表,并用云龙纹装饰柱身,上插云板,用以“华” 饰宫殿之外“表”。在华表的顶端,坐着一个象龙一样的小动物,名字叫“吼”,生来就喜欢登高望远,据说这小动物很灵异,能提醒帝王们勤政。大家也许要问,吼是怎么提醒帝王们勤政的呢?先别急!请大家记住天安门前这两只“吼”面朝的 方向,我们马上去寻找答案。
(在天安门内东侧的一只华 表旁)
好啦!各位,这便是答案了。请看, 在天安门后也有两只华表,可华表上的“吼”可不再往南(外)看,而是往北(里)看了,对吧?为什么呢?因为这里的吼名叫“望君出”,意思是提醒皇帝不要沉迷于花天酒地,醉生梦死的生活,要走出深宫,去体查民情,希“望”国“君”走 “出”去、看一看。天安门前的那一对吼叫“盼君归”意思是指提醒皇帝不要在外面留恋青山秀水,不思国事,“盼”望国“君”早日“归”政。现在大家知道吼是怎么提醒皇帝门勤政的了吧?但这只不过是人民美好的愿望,真的皇帝是怎么生活 的呢?那就让我们去皇帝的家——紫禁城去串个门儿吧!