公司在职工作证明格式中英文版 篇一
Title: Format of Employment Certificate in English and Chinese
An employment certificate is an important document that verifies an individual's work experience and current employment status. It is often required by employees for various purposes, such as applying for a new job, applying for a visa, or securing a loan. This article aims to provide a format for an employment certificate in both English and Chinese.
Format of Employment Certificate:
[Company Logo]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[Contact Information]
Date: [Date]
To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that [Employee’s Full Name], ID number [Employee’s ID Number], has been employed at [Company Name] since [Employment Start Date]. Currently, the employee holds the position of [Employee’s Position] in our organization.
During their employment tenure, the employee has consistently demonstrated professionalism, dedication, and excellent performance. They have successfully fulfilled their responsibilities and contributed significantly to the growth and success of our company.
This certificate is being issued to [Employee’s Full Name] upon their request and is intended for official use only. Any unauthorized use or alteration of this document is strictly prohibited.
For any further information or verification, please feel free to contact us at [Company Contact Information].
[Supervisor’s Full Name]
[Supervisor’s Position]
[Company Name]
公司在职工作证明格式中英文版 篇二
Title: Sample Employment Certificate Format in English and Chinese
An employment certificate is a formal document that confirms an individual's employment with a particular company. It is an essential document for employees, as it provides proof of their work experience and serves as a reference for future endeavors. This article provides a sample format for an employment certificate in both English and Chinese.
Format of Employment Certificate:
[Company Logo]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[Contact Information]
Date: [Date]
To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that [Employee’s Full Name], ID number [Employee’s ID Number], has been employed with [Company Name] since [Employment Start Date]. The employee is currently serving as [Employee’s Position] in our organization.
Throughout their tenure at our company, the employee has consistently exhibited professionalism, dedication, and exceptional work performance. They have fulfilled their duties and responsibilities diligently, making valuable contributions to our organization's growth and success.
This certificate is issued to [Employee’s Full Name] upon their request and is intended for official use only. Unauthorized use or alteration of this document is strictly prohibited.
For any further inquiries or verification, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Company Contact Information].
[Supervisor’s Full Name]
[Supervisor’s Position]
[Company Name]
An employment certificate is a crucial document for employees to validate their work experience and current employment status. The provided format can serve as a guideline for employers to create an employment certificate that meets their specific requirements. It is important to ensure accuracy and authenticity while issuing such certificates to maintain trust and credibility in the professional realm.
公司在职工作证明格式中英文版 篇三
在 职 证 明
月 薪:
北京市xxxx有限公司 20 年 月 日
This is to confirm that Mr. ***i is working in our company holding the position of Vice General Manager, with annual income of 120,000 yuan RMB. We agree to the said person to take a vacation tour to USA in September to October 2007. We guarantee that the said person will obey the local laws and return to China on time to resume position. If you have any questions, please contact us at 010-62130251.
Beijing Yuantong Xingye Investment Co., Ltd.
兹证明XXX先生/女士从 年至 年在本公司工作,职位为 ,月薪为人民币 元。
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is to certify that Mr. (父亲的姓名的'拼音,如为女士,则为Mrs.) is the employee of this company, and has been working here from (在这家公司开始工作的时间)with monthly salary RMB(月薪)。
Yours sincerely,
Certifying person name(公司负责人姓名)
Position (负责人职位)
Contacting telephone number(联系电话)
兹有xx x 同志(身份证号:xx-xx)为xx-xx(公司名称)正式员工,月薪(或年薪)XXX,现任xx-xx(职务),从19xx年xx月xx日至今在我单位工作,工作期间表现良好、无犯罪记录。