
演讲前15分钟要做的10件事 篇一


1. 熟悉演讲环境:在上台前,演讲者应该尽可能多地了解演讲的场地和环境。这包括了解舞台的布置、音响设备的操作和调整等。熟悉环境可以帮助演讲者更好地适应并掌控整个演讲过程。

2. 检查演讲道具:在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者应该检查自己需要使用的道具和辅助工具是否齐全,比如幻灯片、麦克风等。确保这些道具的正常运作,以免在演讲过程中出现意外情况。

3. 做一次深呼吸:在上台之前,演讲者可以通过深呼吸来放松自己的身心。深呼吸可以帮助演讲者缓解紧张情绪,提高注意力和专注力。

4. 检查服装和形象:演讲者的形象和仪态对于演讲的成功非常重要。在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者应该检查自己的服装是否整洁、得体,并确保自己的形象给人以良好的第一印象。

5. 清理口腔:在演讲前,演讲者应该注意清洁口腔,以确保自己的口气清新。这可以通过漱口或者用口香糖来实现。

6. 复习演讲大纲:在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者应该再次复习自己的演讲大纲。这样可以帮助演讲者回顾自己的主要观点和要点,以及整个演讲的结构。

7. 做一次自我鼓励:在演讲前,演讲者可以通过自我鼓励来增加自信心。可以对自己说些积极的话语,比如“我已经做好了准备”或者“我会成功的”。

8. 聆听背景音乐:在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者可以选择一些轻松舒缓的背景音乐,来放松自己的心情和情绪。这样可以帮助演讲者进入一个更好的状态。

9. 打开幽默感:在演讲前,演讲者可以通过回忆一些有趣的事情或者笑话来开启自己的幽默感。幽默可以缓解紧张情绪,同时也可以吸引听众的注意力。

10. 预留时间:在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者应该给自己留出一些时间来做最后的调整和准备。这样可以确保自己在上台时能够有充分的精力和状态。

演讲前15分钟要做的10件事 篇二


1. 确认演讲大纲:在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者应该再次确认自己的演讲大纲。这样可以帮助演讲者回顾自己的主要观点和要点,以及整个演讲的结构。

2. 熟悉演讲环境:在上台前,演讲者应该尽可能多地了解演讲的场地和环境。这包括了解舞台的布置、音响设备的操作和调整等。熟悉环境可以帮助演讲者更好地适应并掌控整个演讲过程。

3. 检查演讲道具:在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者应该检查自己需要使用的道具和辅助工具是否齐全,比如幻灯片、麦克风等。确保这些道具的正常运作,以免在演讲过程中出现意外情况。

4. 做一次深呼吸:在上台之前,演讲者可以通过深呼吸来放松自己的身心。深呼吸可以帮助演讲者缓解紧张情绪,提高注意力和专注力。

5. 检查服装和形象:演讲者的形象和仪态对于演讲的成功非常重要。在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者应该检查自己的服装是否整洁、得体,并确保自己的形象给人以良好的第一印象。

6. 清理口腔:在演讲前,演讲者应该注意清洁口腔,以确保自己的口气清新。这可以通过漱口或者用口香糖来实现。

7. 复习演讲稿:在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者应该再次复习自己的演讲稿。这样可以帮助演讲者回顾自己的主要观点和要点,以及整个演讲的结构。

8. 做一次自我鼓励:在演讲前,演讲者可以通过自我鼓励来增加自信心。可以对自己说些积极的话语,比如“我已经做好了准备”或者“我会成功的”。

9. 聆听背景音乐:在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者可以选择一些轻松舒缓的背景音乐,来放松自己的心情和情绪。这样可以帮助演讲者进入一个更好的状态。

10. 预留时间:在演讲前的15分钟内,演讲者应该给自己留出一些时间来做最后的调整和准备。这样可以确保自己在上台时能够有充分的精力和状态。

演讲前15分钟要做的10件事 篇三



  "The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public." —George Jessel


  In the 15 minutes before you're about to give a big, important presentation, it's too late to change the content of your speech, says Darlene Price, president, of Well Said, Inc. and author of "Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results."

  “15分钟之后,你就要开始一场非常重要的演讲,改掉你演讲的内容已经太迟了”,Well Said公司主席达琳·普莱斯如是说道,她也是《说得好!富有成效的演讲和会话》的作者。

  Building blocks such as analyzing the audience, creating well-designed slides, and rehearsing aloud should have already been laid, says Price. "Now, the big moment has arrived, and an eager audience awaits your message."


  Whether you're stepping to the front of the room to speak to just a few people, or making a grand entrance in a ballroom to address thousands, you can effectively use the time immediately before you go up to prepare your body and mind for peak performance, Price says.


  Here are 10 things you can do in the 15 minutes before a big presentation to optimize your speaking success:


  1. Use the restroom. "First thing's first," Price says. "Needing the toilet when you wouldn't normally 'have to go' is a common reaction to anxiety and pre-speech jitters. Why take chances? Plan ahead and use the restroom in the moments prior to going on stage."


  2. Check out the meeting room and audiovisual set-up. As the speaker, be sure you know the environment, including the seating arrangement, presentation electronics, microphone, and lighting. Get to the room early and ensure you're comfortable with the set-up. "This step shows the audience you're prepared and helps ensure your presentation runs smoothly," she says.


  3. Meet and greet the audience before you speak. Shake hands and talk with as many people as possible ahead of time. "This shows the audience you're approachable and personable," Price explains. "You may even learn a few names, issues, and stories to weave into your presentation. Plus, having conversations with your listeners ahead of time transforms scary 'public' speaking into natural relaxed 'personal' speaking."


  4. Take several deep belly breaths. Since anxiety tightens the muscles in the chest and throat, it's important to diminish that restricting effect with deep inhalations. Don't underestimate the power of a long slow deep breath. It maximizes the amount of oxygen that flows to the lungs and brain; interrupts the adrenalin-pumping "fight or flight" response; and triggers the body's normal relaxation response. In the moments leading up to your presentation, breathe deeply and deliberately.


  5. Practice the first minute in your mind. Whatever you're planning to say as the captivating opener — a witty quotation, personal story, or startling statistic — rehearse the first few sentences several times, Price suggests. Knowing exactly how you're going to start gives you confidence, enables you to look directly into the eyes of audience members as you begin (not at notes or a slide), and creates a powerful first impression.


  6. Focus on positive thoughts and images. "Harnessing the power of the mind-body connection means that you can learn to use your thoughts to positively influence your body's physical responses," Price says. As a result, you can decrease stress and increase a sense of wellbeing and control, just by holding positive thoughts and images in your mind. For example, replace the thought, "I'm so nervous and unprepared I'm going to bomb," with a positive statement such as, "I'm an expert on my topic," "I'm enthusiastic and engaging," or, "I'm credible and confident."


  7. Smile. Maintain a positive, pleasant expression on your face in the moments before you speak. "Smiling actually relaxes the body. Physiologically, smiling emits endorphins in the brain that calms the nerves, creates a pleasant attitude, and promotes a sense of wellbeing," she says. Plus, a smile conveys confidence and self-assurance. It shows your audience that you're happy to see them and enthusiastic about your message.


  8. Sip water that is either warm or room temperature, with lemon if possible. "This helps with dry-mouth, cuts through mucus buildup in the mouth, and clears the throat," Price says. Avoid cold food and drinks, dairy products, and carbonated beverages — and ensure a glass or bottle of water is within arm's reach during your speech.


  9. Exercise lightly. In a private setting beforehand, do some light stretching, a few knee-bends, or take a brisk walk down the hall and back. This rids the body of excess energy and sends oxygen to the brain.


  10. Assume a standing position in the five minutes prior to speaking. If you're the host or only speaker, you'll be standing anyway. However, if you're one of several speakers on the agenda, and your turn is coming up in five minutes, simply step to the back of the room and stand, or stand up if you're backstage. "The sitting position is motionless, passive, and inactive. By standing, you summon energy ahead of time, give your body a chance to warm up, and place yourself in a posture ready for action."



  Most speakers, beginners and veterans, readily admit to feeling nervous in the moments leading up to a speech or presentation. It may feel uncomfortable, but it's completely natural and even necessary, Price explains. "In fact, many professional speakers don't want to lose the butterflies; they aim to leverage them. They actually value this adrenalin surge because it fuels the body with the energy and enthusiasm necessary for a great performance."


  "Don't squander those precious few minutes prior to your presentation," she says. "Use every moment to prepare mentally and physically for a dynamic performance."






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