河边漫步 篇一
河边漫步 篇二
河边漫步 篇三
In my spare time, I like to walk along the river, barefoot, on the wet soil, sucking the fragrance of the soil with flowers. In the sunshine, I greedily enjoy the most precious gift from nature.
In the breeze, under the will
ow, listen to the happy laughter of the river and the naughty birds singing gently in the treetop. Group cloud, soft lying in the blue sky, seems to be intoxicated by the beautiful scenery. Suddenly I remember my childhood outing with my friends, accompanied by innocent laughter, which broke the silent air, and the lonely fish jumped out of the water, peeping into our smile. Playing water, climbing trees, swimming, rolling down from the hills together, lying on the tender grass, looking up at the vast sky. Now, the river is still the same, the blue sky is still the same, but we can't find the group of young people who pursue their dreams. Is it the murmuring water that brings the dreams of that year but leaves only a ripple of memories?远处的林子,郁郁葱葱,好像藏匿着什么秘密,等待着有缘人将它来寻访。我,却不愿带走任何东西,生怕打破了这里唯美的意境。于是,我信步走过,任凭柳叶悄悄的从我的脸颊拂过,我乐意接受她的爱抚,因为正是这条条的柳枝把我这颗满怀希翼的心牵到了这,能够放飞我灵魂的圣地。我乐意对那些朝我露出笑容的花朵报以回笑,因为正是这些美丽的花儿,在我的心灵中守住一方净土,让我在尘世的喧嚣中获得一丝安宁。柳树,野花,还有那小河都与我有千丝万缕的联系,因为,我已将我的梦埋在了这里,柳树下,小河旁。
The forest in the distance is lush, as if hiding some secret, waiting for someone to visit it. I don't want to take anything away, for fear of breaking the aesthetic mood here. So, I walk by, let the willow leaf pass by my cheek quietly, I am willing to accept her caress, because it is this willow that leads my heart full of hope to this, the holy land that can release my soul. I am willing to smile back to those flowers that smile at me, because it is these beautiful flowers that keep a pure land in my heart and let me get a little peace in the noise of the world. Willows, wild flowers, and the river are all inextricably linked with me, because I have buried my dream here, under the willows, beside the river.
If the heavenly Father sprinkles drizzle on me, I will reexamine every grass and flower here in the hazy, and listen to their whispers carefully. Frogs also read my mind, quack and fish in the water to share the joy of the rain. The drizzle washed my heart again and told me that there would be a place for me to take root. Under the willows, by the river.
Another year when flowers bloom, I still roam by the river.