我和孙悟空一起遨游太空 篇一
我和孙悟空一起遨游太空 篇三
This day, I was driving a spaceship in space. Suddenly, a white thing came to me. I hurried away and looked back. It was Monkey King. I shouted, "Sun Dasheng..." Monkey king looked back and immediately came to me. So I stopped sailing and asked Monkey King, "Hello, sun Dasheng." Monkey King quickly played with his hands and said, "who are you?" I smiled and said: "I come from the earth, now the earth people leap forward development, everyone yearns for space, explore space, travel in space. There are many countries on the earth. I come from Chin
a. China is developing rapidly. Today, I am sent to explore space, travel in space and bring back some information to the country. " Monkey king said, "I see. You don't look like a weirdo. I can help you. Come on, ride on my somersault cloud!" I stepped out of the cabin door and started to swim in space with monkey king.一路上,我看见了许多星球,忽然间,一个巨大的星系吸引着我,它闪耀着巨大的光芒,但距离太远,看不清楚。我连忙叫孙悟空停下,问道:“大圣,你可知道那是什么星系?”孙悟空听了,又连忙耍弄自己的手说道:“俺老孙当然知道,那是仙女星系,是嫦娥管理的地方。”我连忙问道:“嫦娥不是管理月球的吗?”孙悟空答道:“那是属于太阳系中的,这可是另外一星系的,怎么样?带你参观一番,顺便给国家带回点资料。”我连忙答道:“好,好。”
Along the way, I saw many stars. Suddenly, a huge galaxy attracted me. It shone with huge light, but it was too far away to see clearly. I quickly told monkey king to stop and asked, "great sage, do you know what Galaxy it is?" After hearing this, Monkey King quickly played with his hands and said, "of course, my grandson knows that it's the fairy galaxy, the place Chang'e manages." I hurriedly asked, "isn't Chang'e in charge of the moon?" Monkey King replied: "that belongs to the solar system. It's another galaxy. How about that? I'll show you around and bring some information back to the country. " I quickly replied, "OK, OK."
Entering the Andromeda galaxy, I found that there are many stars, as well as light sources, with strange shapes. "You know how far away it is from the galaxy," I asked "It's not easy to say," said Monkey King I said, "great saint, can you invite me to one of the planets for an investigation?" Monkey King replied, "whatever, of course. Look, that one." So, I went to the planet with monkey king to make an investigation. With Monkey King's help, the investigation was soon settled.
After that, I followed monkey king to another galaxy. Suddenly, a comet came to us "Help..." I shouted I opened my eyes. It was my brother who knocked me on the nose with a stone. At this time, I just found that I was dreaming just now. It's also a dream to roam with monkey king. I opened my eyes and recalled the plot just now. Oh, it's so wonderful!
I believe that when I grow up, I will become an astronaut, explore the universe galaxy, contribute to the motherland, and explore the fairy Galaxy again! I also believe that with the rapid development of China, we will be able to make further progress!