
季度英文自我评价 篇一

In this quarterly self-evaluation, I would like to reflect on my progress and growth in the English language. Over the past few months, I have been actively working on improving my language skills and expanding my vocabulary. I have also been focusing on enhancing my speaking and writing abilities, as these are areas that I believe require more attention.

To begin with, I have made significant strides in expanding my vocabulary. I have been consistently learning new words and phrases through various methods such as reading books, watching English movies, and listening to podcasts. This has not only enriched my vocabulary but also improved my overall understanding of the language. I can now express myself more confidently and effectively in both spoken and written English.

Moreover, I have dedicated a considerable amount of time to improving my speaking skills. I have actively participated in group discussions and debates, which has helped me overcome my fear of speaking in English. I have also been practicing pronunciation by listening to native speakers and mimicking their intonation and accent. As a result, I have noticed a significant improvement in my fluency and pronunciation.

In terms of writing, I have been working on developing my ability to express my thoughts and ideas coherently and concisely. I have been practicing writing essays and journal entries regularly to strengthen my writing skills. I have also been seeking feedback from teachers and peers to identify areas for improvement. This feedback has been invaluable in helping me identify and rectify any weaknesses in my writing style.

However, despite these achievements, I am aware that there is still room for improvement. I need to continue expanding my vocabulary and refining my grammar skills. Additionally, I should focus on developing my listening comprehension skills by engaging in more listening exercises and conversations with native speakers.

Overall, I am proud of the progress I have made in the past quarter. I am confident that with continued dedication and effort, I will be able to further enhance my English language skills. I am excited to continue my language learning journey and look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

季度英文自我评价 篇二

As I reflect on my English language journey over the past quarter, I am pleased with the progress I have made. This period has been a time of growth and improvement for me, and I am proud of the strides I have taken in various aspects of the language.

Firstly, my listening skills have improved significantly. I have been actively engaging in listening exercises, watching English TV shows and movies, and listening to podcasts. This exposure to native English speakers has helped me understand different accents and improve my comprehension skills. I can now follow conversations more easily and pick up on subtle nuances in speech.

Secondly, my reading skills have also seen noteworthy improvement. I have been consistently reading English books, newspapers, and articles. This has not only expanded my vocabulary but has also enhanced my understanding of grammar and sentence structure. I can now read more complex texts with greater ease and comprehend the underlying messages more effectively.

Furthermore, I have been actively participating in English-speaking environments to improve my speaking skills. I have joined conversation clubs and engaged in conversations with native English speakers. This has not only boosted my confidence but has also helped me practice using the language in real-life situations. I am now able to express my thoughts and ideas more fluently and coherently.

In addition to these skills, I have also been working on my writing abilities. I have been practicing writing essays, reports, and emails to refine my writing style. I have also been paying attention to grammar and punctuation, ensuring that my written communication is clear and concise. I have received positive feedback from my teachers and peers, which has motivated me to continue honing my writing skills.

While I am pleased with my progress, I recognize that there is always room for improvement. Moving forward, I plan to focus on expanding my vocabulary further and refining my grammar skills. I also aim to continue practicing my speaking and writing skills to ensure steady progress.

Overall, this quarter has been a rewarding period of growth for me in the English language. I am excited to continue my language learning journey and build upon the foundation I have established.

季度英文自我评价 篇三

  To do a mechanic, to deal with their work to understand a clear, familiar and skilled in their own work. Have all the machines and equipment to understand, but also have the ability to respond to failure, deal with the equipment may occur at any time failure. To meet the needs of the production schedule, our unit of equipment, although the new equipment, but also frequent failures, such as machine washing machine, no major problems, minor problems in the maintenance process, and gradually improve the machine cleaning Machine awareness, so that small problems can be dealt with quickly, as well as liquid sandblasting machine, in use, there is always a failure to plug the nozzle, so that can not work, broken through the brain, after operator description Cause of the failure, my analysis, the glass beads used in diameter than in the past, and the specifications are not uniform, resulting in a blocked nozzle, after a bold improvement, increasing the nozzle aperture, the liquid blasting machine is normal work ,

  The tunnel cleaning machine, always produces the transmission chain does not move, before the adjustment of friction, you can, but once, how to adjust the friction, does not work, after analysis, that the friction coefficient is not enough, Found, and sure enough inside the oil, after careful cleaning, remove the oil, everything is normal, and so a series of maintenance work, we must understand the principle of equipment in order to good maintenance, which is my years of exxperience in maintenance , I do not understand, I have to try to study, once understood, they suddenly realized, looks complicated, as long as understand, it will be simple, I not only bear the equipment maintenance work, but also completed a lot of tooling Production, for exxample, several engine-based exxperimental bench design, mobile engine racks, and so on dozens of pieces, this year we re-manufacturing engine varieties increased a lot, not before these test benches, the workshop down

  The task, we immediately accept, and actively to complete, from conception, to the leadership through the design intent, and then cutting the welding, production, and so on, until the engine is placed, commissioning, delivery, each engine model Of the exxperiment to go through our first course, like the troops did not move for the first horse, when the civil servants of the various engines in the production of my bench to test, I feel very honored, thank the leadership to me Such a platform, but also feel the work of their labor and exxcitement, but also for the development of our manufacturing pride, but these will make me work harder, modest and prudent to learn from others, as far as possible to improve their ability to work , So that their own positions in the play to the greatest effect, faster and more efficient to complete their own work, but also enable us to get the maxximum benefit units, so that my work and the harvest of workers can achieve a balance , So I am more motivated, more confident work.

  And other colleagues of interpersonal relationships is also important, because a person's ability is limited, the success of each thing is by the collective wisdom, and colleagues together is the successful completion of leadership to the work of the premise, which It is not just work, but also in daily life. So it is not only personal but also a duty to work together. I have a good relationship with my colleagues. I often help each other because I only have one mechanic. There is a power maintenance workers, a good relationship, and I work with all my colleagues, I have great respect at work, mutual cooperation, is to improve a lot of efficiency, for exxample, in the oil depot anti-theft window, the test station Door, in the production of sandblasting between the asbestos roof when the rain, give sandblasting between the welding air pressure pipe, we collectively work together, mutual cooperation, active, so that the task is completed very quickly, and this is the power of unity , To play the power of everyone in order to make work progress faster. I deeply understand.

  In the repair of the old and waste conservation, but also everywhere carefully, in the production of rain roof, with the waste angle, in the welding air pressure pipe, the

use of the waste plant threading pipe.

季度英文自我评价 篇四

  I entered the company in the company's work, a company's pilot employees, as the company manager of the post, the main responsibility is to assist the company to deal with the affairs of the jurisdiction, involving the company's human resources, administration, production and other matters . First of all thank the general manager and the company all my colleagues in the work of their strong support and help, but also for the company to provide me with a stage to display their talents. At the same time, through their own efforts, making the company's production, administration and other aspects of the system has been further improved.

  As a manager of a department, I know my job is to assist the general manager of the work, coordination between the various departments work, improve the company system and promote the production of a virtuous circle, so communication coordination, development of systems, tracking production My three major work content. Communication and coordination is an essential factor for the survival and healthy development of the organization. Only by coordinating the work among the various departments can the functions of the various departments be brought into full play and the smooth production of the enterprise can be guaranteed. System is to better maintain business order, to ensure the smooth operation of all aspects of business. The production is the fundamental business, to ensure the smooth progress of production to ensure that the company is the largest corporate profit target

  First came to the company, the face of the company's many problems, as assistant general manager of the task I feel heavy, heavy responsibility, greater pressure, and sometimes even fear that they can not complete the task given by the company, can not achieve general manager Exxpectations for me. However, there is pressure to power. It is also based on this pressure, only gave me the power to work hard, so I always want to do their work to the most perfect level, and slowly find the work of self-confidence. In the process of work, the company colleagues gave me a great help, so I am in a very short period of time to be able to understand the company, familiar with the company environment, so I can smoothly carry out the work of the company's system Is also an orderly way to embark on a standardized road.

  During this period of time, I have fulfilled my duties with due diligence. I believe that everything I have done and my abilities have been felt by the general manager and all my colleagues in the company. In this general manager to submit a positive application, I urge the general manager of careful consideration. If positive, I will continue to use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my job, create value for the company, with the company to look forward to a better future!

季度英文自我评价 篇五

  Blink of an eye, sixx months later. Over the past sixx months, I have successfully transitioned from one student to one of China Mobile's employees. Sixx months ago, China Mobile chose me, but also I chose China Mobile. From the company into the day, I continue to warn myself that they must be "high standards and strict requirements." Facts have proved that in this very substantial months, I was hard and happy, a great harvest,

  Sentiment deep. More importantly, I am proud of my ability to work in such a fast paced, efficient, vibrant and dynamic business.

  Recalling the past few months, I mainly do the following work:

  First, xxxxxxxx in the second half of the main work

  (A) the Office of the internship work

  Mobile Office is a mobile company directly to customers of a window, where the staff is the mobile front-line staff, dealing directly with customers, directly on behalf of the mobile image. In more than two months of the operating room front desk internship, I not only see the front desk staff work seriously and the passion of life, but also feel the kind of home company with a strong sense of responsibility and a sense of belonging. In particular, I not only on the front of the business process with the most basic familiar with, but also on the front desk staff have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding. Business, in addition to the normal charges, for business and other work, the reception of users, coordination, resolve contradictions, counseling, complaints and other complaints also play an important role; salesperson duties, high level of business and coordination of work, Strong sense of responsibility, modest working attitude, the spirit of team operations, service enthusiasm is the measure of the basic principles of excellent front desk staff. Which are reflected in China Mobile what kind of employees.

  The rise of perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge is the further sublimation of epistemology. Therefore, after a period of internship in the front, according to company arrangements, we participated in the provincial company new staff of the fourth training. The training activities, although not a long time, only ten days, but rich in content and form of flexxibility. Both theoretical study, but also to develop training. Especially in the leadership lectures, the introduction of "China Mobile needs what kind of staff", let me remember:

  1, a strong sense of innovation;

  2, the spirit of hard work;

  3, the pursuit of perfection;

  4, modest and prudent attitude.

  Thus, only we move every employee to play an innovative subjective initiative, and pay attention to the bit by bit from our side, the real play to their combat effectiveness, in order to make the company and society should contribute. In the scorching sun in deep Nanshan Lake exxpansion training base, and colleagues surmount, make me understand the team fighting is all-powerful - "as long as the victory over yourself, you win the life."







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