
考研英语道歉信 篇一

Dear Professor [教授的姓氏],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for my absence from the seminar on [日期]. I understand the importance of attending all academic activities, and I deeply regret not being able to participate in this particular event.

The reason for my absence was an unforeseen family emergency. My father suddenly fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. As the only child, I had to accompany him and take care of the necessary arrangements. It was an unexpected situation that required my immediate attention and support.

I understand that my absence not only disrupted the flow of the seminar but also deprived me of the opportunity to learn from the valuable insights shared by you and my fellow classmates. I assure you that I am fully aware of the consequences of my absence and I am willing to make up for the missed session through alternative means.

I have already reached out to my classmates to obtain the lecture notes and materials from the seminar. Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could kindly provide me with any additional resources or materials that were distributed during the session. I am determined to review the content thoroughly and catch up on what I have missed.

Furthermore, I am more than willing to meet with you at your convenience to discuss any specific topics or questions that were covered during the seminar. I understand that direct interaction is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, and I am eager to make up for the lost opportunity.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by my absence. I understand the importance of attending all academic activities and I assure you that this will not happen again in the future. I am truly committed to my studies and I deeply value the knowledge and guidance provided by you and the university.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I look forward to your guidance and support as I strive to make up for the missed seminar.



考研英语道歉信 篇二

Dear Professor [教授的姓氏],

I am writing this letter to express my sincerest apologies for my late submission of the assignment on [日期]. I understand that late submissions are highly discouraged and I take full responsibility for my actions.

The reason for the delay was a combination of unexpected circumstances. First and foremost, I underestimated the complexity of the assignment and the amount of time required to complete it. I made a poor judgment in allocating my time and did not start the assignment early enough. Additionally, I encountered technical difficulties with my computer, which further hindered my progress.

I deeply regret the inconvenience and disappointment that my late submission has caused you. I assure you that I have learned from this experience and I will take necessary measures to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future. I understand the importance of meeting deadlines and I am fully aware of the impact that my actions have on my academic performance.

I would like to request your understanding and consideration regarding my late submission. I understand that penalties may be imposed for such occurrences, and I am prepared to accept any consequences that you deem appropriate. However, I kindly ask for the opportunity to resubmit the assignment in order to showcase my understanding and dedication to the subject matter.

I assure you that this incident does not reflect my true capabilities or commitment to my studies. I am determined to make up for this mistake and I will ensure that it does not happen again in the future. I greatly value the knowledge and guidance provided by you and the university, and I am fully dedicated to my academic success.

Once again, I sincerely apologize for my late submission. I appreciate your understanding and consideration in this matter. Thank you for your time and attention.



考研英语道歉信 篇三

As you are reading this letter, I bet that you have seen/heard about what happened earlier in our country.

Tourists were hostages of a policeman here, Rolando Mendoza. After a few hours of the horrible crime, some of the victims were dead including the hostage-taker.

I wrote this letter not just to apologize but also to let everyone know that we Filipinos are not all like Mendoza. We are loving and good-hearted people.

For so many years, our country has been standing tall and surpassing every dilemma; be it small or big. Years ago (back when I wasnt born yet), you have watched us fight for what we think is right. We fought for the democracy of our nation.. The EDSA revolution. But thats just one out of many.

Second. We Filipinos have been serving other countries for our families and we treat you as our own as well. With all due respect, I thank you all for giving us the trust through the years. For helping us to become what we are now.

The Philippines is more than just a group of islands. We are a nation of strong and remarkable people. A country of beauty and love known to be hospitable and well-valued. I humbly apologize for what happened tonight. No one in this world would want something like that to happen for life should be valued.

I politely ask the attention of the world. Please do not judge and mistreat us just

because of what happened tonight. I have been searching the net and found terrible things. Hong Kong advices to avoid travels here, China and HK bans Filipinos and that Philippines is the worst place to go.

I cant blame you for what you have decided but I hope that you could understand. Our country is now in a sea of problems. And I know for sure that we helped you in a way or another. Let peace and understanding reign this time.

I know that this letter will just be trash but I wish that you would understand. On behalf of the Philippine population.. WE ARE SORRY.

As a song puts it

And I believe that in my life I will see an end to hopelessness, giving-up and suffering. And we all stand together this one time then no one will get left behind. Stand up for life. STAND UP FOR LOVE

Sincerely yours,

Reigno Jose Dilao

考研英语道歉信 篇四

dear charlie,

kindly excuse me for my not being able to see you off at the airport this saturday as i have promised.

a major business partner of our company will be attending an important conference in xiamen this weekend, and my boss finally chooses me to accompany him there to negotiate about a new transaction. i have just been informed of this plan and am happy about the decisionthis is an opportunity to both display and enhance my abilities, so i am afraid i cannot be present at the airport.

pursuing study overseas is an essential step in the accomplishment of your dream.how i wish i could have the chance to share with you my personal feelings and suggestions before you are away! i hereby send you a gift to wish you good luck. please forgive me.






各乡镇人民政府,县政府有关工作部门: 根据7月23日全县防汛救灾工作紧急视频会议精神,为切实做好受灾群众生活安置工作,现将有关事项紧急通知如下: 一、明确生活安置的对象和政策 (一)对倒房户、损毁房屋...







