Title: The Format of an English Research Paper Outline
Article 1: The Format of an English Research Paper Outline
- Importance of a well-structured research paper outline
- Overview of the content in the article
I. Key Components of an English Research Paper Outline:
A. Title
- Importance of a concise and informative title
- Guidelines for formatting the title
B. Abstract
- Purpose of the abstract
- Recommended length and content of the abstract
C. Introduction
- Purpose of the introduction
- Components to include in the introduction (background information, problem statement, objectives)
D. Literature Review
- Importance of reviewing relevant literature
- Organizing and presenting the literature review in the outline
E. Methods
- Description of the research design and methodology
- Inclusion of subheadings such as participants, materials, and procedure
F. Results
- Presentation of the research findings
- Use of tables, graphs, and figures to enhance clarity
G. Discussion
- Interpretation and analysis of the results
- Addressing the research question and objectives
H. Conclusion
- Summary of the main findings
- Implications and recommendations for future research
I. References
- Proper citation of sources
- Following a specific referencing style (e.g., APA, MLA)
J. Appendices
- Addition of supplementary materials (e.g., questionnaires, interview transcripts)
- Organization and labeling of appendices
II. Formatting Guidelines for an English Research Paper Outline:
A. Font and Font Size
- Recommended font and font size for the outline
B. Heading Format
- Levels of headings and subheadings
- Formatting guidelines for each level
C. Alignment and Indentation
- Consistency in alignment and indentation throughout the outline
D. Pagination
- Proper numbering of pages
- Placement of page numbers
- Recap of the key points discussed in the article
- Emphasize the importance of following the recommended format for an English research paper outline
Title: The Format of an English Essay Outline
Article 2: The Format of an English Essay Outline
- Purpose of an essay outline
- Overview of the content in the article
I. Introduction to the Essay Outline:
A. Definition and Importance
- Explanation of what an essay outline is
- Significance of organizing thoughts and ideas before writing
B. Key Components of an English Essay Outline
- Introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
- Purpose and structure of each section
II. Formatting the Essay Outline:
A. Heading and Title
- Placement and formatting of the title
- Inclusion of a heading with the author's name, date, and course details
B. Introduction Section
- Attention-grabbing opening sentence
- Thesis statement and background information
C. Body Paragraphs
- Topic sentence and supporting evidence
- Organizing ideas and arguments coherently
D. Conclusion Section
- Restating the thesis statement
- Summarizing key points and providing a closing thought
III. Tips for Writing an Effective Essay Outline:
A. Clarity and Conciseness
- Using clear and concise language
- Avoiding repetition and unnecessary details
B. Logical Flow of Ideas
- Ensuring smooth transitions between sections and paragraphs
- Maintaining a logical sequence of ideas
C. Flexibility in the Outline
- Making adjustments as needed during the writing process
- Allowing for revisions and modifications
- Recap of the main points discussed in the article
- Encouragement to utilize an essay outline for a well-structured and organized essay
英文论文提纲的格式 篇三
Chapter I Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Significance and Objectives of the Research 2
1.2.1 The Significance of the Research 2
1.2.2 The Objectives of the Research 2
1.2.3 Summary 3
1.3 Studies of Fossilization both Home and Abroad 3
1.3.1 Studies of Fossilization Abroad 4
1.3.2 Studies of Fossilization in China 5
1.3.3 Summary 6
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 7
Chapter II Literature Review 7
2.1 Interlanguage 8
2.2 The Definitions of Fossilization 9
2.3 The Classification of Fossilization 13
2.3.1 Inpidual Fossi
2.3.2 Temporary Fossilization vs. Permanent Fossilization 14
2.3.3 How to Identify Fossilization 15
2.4 Possible Factors of Fossilization 17
2.4.1 Internal Factors 18
2.4.2 External Factors 20
2.5 Error Analysis 22
2.5.1 The Background of Error Analysis 22
2.5.2 Procedures of Error Analysis 23
2.5.3 Classification of Errors 24
2.5.4 The Significance of Error Analysis 26
2.6 Summary 26Chapter III Design of the Research 27
3.1 Research Questions 27
3.2 Subjects 28
3.3 Method 28
3.4 Instruments 29
3.5 Procedures 29
3.6 Summary 30Chapter IV Result and Discussion 31
4.1 Data Analysis 31
4.1.1 Classification of Errors 31
4.1.2 Analysis of the Errors 31
4.2 The Design of the Questionnaires 37
4.3 The Analysis of the Questionnaires 38
4.4 Analysis of Causes of Fossilized Errors in Writing 40
4.5 Summary 42
Chapter V Strategies for Fossilization Avoidance 43
5.1 To Take a Good Attitude to the Interference of LI 43
5.2 To Enhance the Learners Motivationr44
5.3 To Guarantee the Quality and Quantity of L2 Input 46
5.4 To Provide Effective Feedback 48
5.5 To Attach More Importance to Grammar Teaching 49
5.6 To Apply More Effective Learning Strategies 49
5.7 Summary 50
Chapter VI Conclusion 51
6.1 A Brief Review of the Study 51
6.2 Major Findings 52
6.3 Limitations of this Study 53
6.4 Suggestions 54
Bibliography 55