
英语专业的论文提纲 篇一

标题:The Impact of English Language Proficiency on Employability in the Global Job Market


I. 引言

A. 背景介绍:全球化趋势下,英语作为国际通用语言的重要性逐渐增强

B. 研究目的:探讨英语语言能力对全球就业市场中的就业能力的影响

II. 英语语言能力对就业能力的重要性

A. 全球化势头下,各行各业对英语语言能力的要求

B. 英语语言能力对跨国企业就业机会的影响

C. 英语语言能力对国际交流和合作的重要性

III. 英语语言能力对求职成功的影响

A. 英语语言能力对简历和求职信的重要性

B. 英语语言能力对面试表现的影响

C. 英语语言能力对跨文化沟通的重要性

IV. 英语语言能力的培养途径

A. 大学英语教育对英语语言能力的培养

B. 学外语的策略和技巧

C. 多种学习资源的利用

V. 结论

A. 英语语言能力对于在全球就业市场中的就业能力至关重要

B. 学习和提高英语语言能力需要长期的努力和坚持

C. 英语专业学生应该注重培养综合能力,提高就业竞争力

英语专业的论文提纲 篇二

标题:The Role of Literature in English Language Learning: Benefits and Strategies


I. 引言

A. 背景介绍:文学在英语语言学习中的重要性

B. 研究目的:探讨文学在英语语言学习中的益处以及相应的学习策略

II. 文学在英语学习中的益处

A. 提高语言技能:词汇、语法、发音等

B. 培养文化意识:了解文学作品中的背景和文化内涵

C. 拓展思维能力:通过阅读和分析文学作品培养批判性思维和创造性思维

III. 文学学习策略

A. 选择适合自己水平的文学作品

B. 采用多种阅读策略:预测、推测、概括等

C. 运用文学作品进行语言实践:写作、口语表达等

IV. 文学作品在英语教学中的应用

A. 课堂教学中的文学作品引入和讨论

B. 利用文学作品进行写作和口语训练

C. 利用文学作品进行文化交流和理解

V. 结论

A. 文学在英语语言学习中具有重要的作用和益处

B. 学习者应该采用有效的学习策略来更好地利用文学作品

C. 教师在英语教学中应充分利用文学作品,提高教学效果。

英语专业的论文提纲 篇三



  Chapter One Influencing Factors of Creative Treason

  1.1The Background of Gone with the Wind

  1.1.1The Author's Life and Emotional Experience

  1.1.2The Development of the Feminist Movement

  1.1.3The Influence of Economic Crisis

  1.2The Background of the Translator

  1.3The Reader's Expectations and the Ability to Accept

  Chapter Two Creative Treason and Translator Style

  2.1The Selection and Use of Words

  2.1.1Logical Symbolthe Usage of Idioms

  2.1.2Aesthetic Symbolthe Usage of Reduplication

  2.2Sentences5 Structure and Modalitythe Usage of Parallel Construction

  2.3Paragraphs' Logic and Combination

  2.4Rhetoric's Device and Style

  2.5Register's Transition

  2.5.1Witticisms, Slangs and Fixed Collocations

  2.5.2Black Identity

  2.6Reappearance of Narrative Style

  Chapter Three The Limitation of Translator Style

  Chapter Four The Sociality of Creative Treason

  4.1Culture Significance

  4.2Social Significance

  4.3Translators' Effort


  This article conclusion

  Creative treason develops a new domain for literary translation. In this thesis, thebackground of main factors was taken as the entry point. Through analyzing thebackground of tiie original, translator and readers we got the result that affected byvarious factors especially different background the creative treason in literary translationis objective and inevitable. By reason of existence of creative treason, it is possible toform the unique translation style in the translation process. Based on parsing FuDonghua's version of Gone with the Wind,this study analyzes translator style from sixaspects and has proved the existence of translator style. Retoning to the ultimate purposemotivation of translation, we should affirm that the translation work which is in theframework of the original and makes recreations for the need of target readers is thehigh-quality one.

  Behind two literary works are two different languages, behind two languages are twodifferent cultures,after discussing the translator style which is based on the languageexchange we should see the most fundamental factor is the cultural differences, which isone of the social significance of creative treason. Just as Escarpit states, all thetranslations are the result of creative treason. So the social significance of translation isalso creative treason V In the process of social development the role of translation can notbe replaced and the creative treason's function should be paid more attention to. For theexis

tence of creative treason, we can not ignore the hard work and efforts the translatorsdo,it should be folly admitted and respected.

  In addition to translation activities, in the field of other social life, we can still findthe creative treason. There are some subjective factors which are mixed into theunderstanding and judgment of object,that's why different people have differentcognitions for the same thing. Therefore, in the process of recognizing the world creativetreason always exists- This can be the new point of creative treason's socialization, enrichthe connotation of the concept and extend the social significance of creative treason.





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