
英语自考本科毕业论文 篇一:The Impact of Technology on English Language Learning

With the rapid development of technology, it has become increasingly important to explore its impact on various aspects of our lives, including education. In recent years, technology has been widely used in English language learning, and its influence on this field has been a topic of great interest among researchers and educators. This paper aims to discuss the impact of technology on English language learning and provide insights into its potential benefits and challenges.

Firstly, technology has significantly enhanced the accessibility of English language learning materials and resources. With the internet, learners now have access to a wide range of authentic materials, such as news articles, videos, and podcasts, which can help improve their listening, reading, and comprehension skills. Online platforms and mobile applications also provide interactive exercises and quizzes, allowing learners to practice their language skills anytime and anywhere. This increased accessibility has made English language learning more convenient and flexible for learners of all ages.

Secondly, technology has revolutionized the way language learning is taught and practiced. Traditional classroom settings often limit learners' opportunities for communication and interaction. However, technology has made it possible for learners to engage in real-time conversations with native speakers through online language exchange platforms or video conferencing tools. This not only improves their speaking and pronunciation skills but also provides them with cultural insights and a deeper understanding of the language. In addition, technology allows for personalized and adaptive learning experiences, as intelligent systems can analyze learners' performance and provide tailored feedback and recommendations.

Despite its numerous benefits, technology also poses challenges to English language learning. One of the main concerns is the potential overreliance on technology, which may lead to a lack of face-to-face interaction and human connection. Language learning involves not only linguistic competence but also the development of interpersonal skills. Therefore, it is crucial to strike a balance between technology-based learning and traditional teaching methods to ensure holistic language development.

In conclusion, technology has had a significant impact on English language learning. It has improved accessibility to learning materials and resources, revolutionized teaching and practice methods, and provided personalized learning experiences. However, it is important to address the challenges that come with technology integration and find ways to maintain the human aspect of language learning. By doing so, we can fully harness the potential of technology and enhance English language learning outcomes.

英语自考本科毕业论文 篇二:The Influence of Culture on English Language Learning

Culture plays a crucial role in language learning, as language and culture are deeply interconnected. The influence of culture on English language learning has been a subject of interest and research in the field of second language acquisition. This paper aims to explore the impact of culture on English language learning and provide insights into the ways in which culture can be integrated into language education.

Firstly, culture provides learners with a context for understanding and using the English language. Language is not only a means of communication but also a reflection of the culture in which it is embedded. When learners are exposed to the cultural aspects of the English language, such as idioms, customs, and social norms, they gain a deeper understanding of its meaning and usage. This understanding allows learners to communicate more effectively and appropriately in real-life situations.

Secondly, culture affects learners' motivation and attitudes towards language learning. Language learning is often motivated by the desire to connect with people from different cultures and to gain a better understanding of their perspectives. By integrating cultural elements into language education, learners are more likely to develop a positive attitude towards the language and be motivated to learn. Cultural activities, such as watching movies, reading literature, or participating in cultural events, can make language learning more engaging and enjoyable.

Furthermore, culture provides learners with the opportunity to develop intercultural competence. In today's globalized world, the ability to interact and communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds is highly valued. By learning about different cultures through language education, learners become more open-minded, tolerant, and respectful towards diversity. They also develop the skills to navigate intercultural communication challenges and contribute to a more inclusive society.

However, the integration of culture into language learning poses challenges. One of the main challenges is the potential for cultural stereotypes and biases to be perpetuated. It is important for educators to present a balanced and accurate portrayal of different cultures, avoiding stereotypes and promoting cultural understanding and empathy. Additionally, cultural differences in teaching and learning styles may need to be considered to ensure effective language instruction for learners from diverse cultural backgrounds.

In conclusion, culture has a significant influence on English language learning. It provides learners with a meaningful context for language acquisition, motivates and engages learners, and develops intercultural competence. By integrating culture into language education in a thoughtful and inclusive manner, we can enhance learners' language proficiency and foster cultural understanding and appreciation.

英语自考本科毕业论文 篇三








  引喻(allusion)在牛津的字典里面解释为“indirect reference”,翻译成汉语意思是“间接提及、暗指、典故。”平时在我们阅读英语文章的时候,经常会遇到许多陌生的加引号的人名,地名,仔细联系上下问推敲它的意思也无法得知它的含义,最后才发现原来是作者引用了英语中的典故。关于引喻的解释还有很多:英语中的引喻(allusion)具有“引”和“喻”的双重特点:引用读者熟知的人名、地名、名言故事等作喻体,来说明本体。如果引用的是历史或者文学作品中著名的人名、地名、名言故事,英语里称做“literary allusion”,相当于汉语中的“典故”。请看下面这个例子:He is called “Rip Van Winkle” for he often dozes off in class.在这个句子里面就使用了引喻,我们知道,Rip Van Winkle是美国小说家及历史家华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving, 1783-1859)的名篇<< Rip Van Winkle >>里面的主人公,在一个山谷中沉睡了二十年。这里把这个上课爱打瞌睡的学生比做“Rip Van Winkle”,就运用了引喻的修辞手法。在各种各样的中英文的文章里面,引喻这种修辞手法随处可见,引喻的使用常常能让读者产生深刻的印象,使读者产生由引喻引起的联想,从而使自己的表达更加生动、形象。引喻常常能把作者想要表达的意思形象的展现出来,塑造的人物形象也更加的生动活泼。但是我们发现,许许多多的带有引喻的句子需要进行翻译的时候,却遇到了困难,下面两节将会讨论英汉翻译中常常遇到的一些问题以及相应的修改方案。


  2.1 读者无法弄清原文作者引喻所要表达的内容



  引喻大都是通过历史或者文学作品中著名的人名、地名、名言故事,而大多数情况下,引喻的词语往往不只一个特点,这时如果译者错误的理解了原文作者使用引喻所想要表达的意思,翻译出来的文字同样也只会错误的传递信息。就用引言中的例子打个比方。He is called “Rip Van Winkle” for he often dozes off in class.“Rip Van Winkle”可以解释为1. a person oblivious to social changes.(时代的落伍者)。2. a person who sleeps a lot(嗜睡的人)。但是在上句话里面把“Rip Van Winkle”翻译成“时代的落伍者”,很明显就违背了原文作者的意思。同样的例子还可以列举许多,如:He is “Yao ” of our basketball team.这里的“Yao”可以有许多解释:1.very tall; the tallest basketball player of our team.(我们球队中最高的球员)。2. Center of our team.(我们球队的中锋)。3. good at jump-shot and free throw(擅长跳投和罚篮)。4. good at scoring(擅长得分)。“Yao”具有以上的特点,但是原文作者使用引喻描述的对象可能只具有“Yao”的其中某一个特征,而译者怎样翻译就必须联系上下文做出相对应的翻译。



,译者就需要联系引喻的背景以及上下文,从而做出相对应的翻译。但是许多时候尽管解释清楚了原文作者想要表达的意思,但是翻译出来的译文却失去了原文的色彩。比如,International Milan experienced “Waterloo” in the last round of Italian Football League, Series A,01-02.翻译为“国际米兰在意大利足球甲级联赛01-02赛季的最后一轮遭到了失败。”众所周知,“Waterloo”(滑铁卢)指的是比利时中部城镇,拿破仑的法国军队在这里遭到了彻底惨败。现在“Waterloo”通常被用来比喻“惨败”或者是“毁灭性打击”。这里将“Waterloo”翻译成“失败”似乎没有什么不妥的地方,但是我们联系实际的情况来看的话,在意甲01-02赛季,国际米兰一直在最后一轮都保持3分的领先优势,最后一轮只要在打平的情况下就能够夺取冠军,但是遗憾的是,国际米兰在2度领先的情况下却以2:4输给了拉齐奥,最后痛失了冠军。因此这里仅仅把“Waterloo”翻译成“失败”,程度远远不够,但是2:4的比分也不能算惨败,所以翻译成“毁灭性打击”比较妥当,而且最好把输球的结果补充说明一下,所以我认为译文翻译成这样似乎更加贴切:“国际米兰在意大利足球甲级联赛01-02赛季的最后一轮遭到了毁灭性打击,痛失了冠军。”


  3.1 直译注释法

  因为在许多时候原文作者使用的引喻词语是来自英语中著名的人名,地名,名言故事或者事件,直译过来的时候也常常使不知道引喻不背景的读者感到十分的困惑,这时我们就需要注释,象“Rip Van Winkle”、“Waterloo”这样特殊的人名和地名可以使用注释来交代清楚的引喻的来历,故事背景。在许多情况下,受到上下文的制约,使用直译注释能够更好的向读者传递原文作者想要表达的意思,扫清由于引喻造成的理解上的障碍。一方面,使用直译能够保证原文的语言纯洁性,达到读者使用引喻修辞手法所想要达到的效果;另一方面,对直译过来的词语,加上注释加以解释说明,可以补足引喻的语义和背景。比如,“He is “Vincent Van Gogh” in the domain of letters.”翻译成中文就是“他是文学界的文森特·梵高”。

  这里我们可以把原文直译过来,再对“Vincent Van Gogh”标记并加以解释:Vincent Van Gogh(文森特·梵高)(1853 - 1890)是继伦勃朗之后被认为是荷兰最伟大的画家。他和高更、塞尚并称为后印象派。他们吸收了印象派的精髓,却反对印象派纯客观理性的描绘,提倡事物的实质和象征意念,是现代艺术最重要的先驱。这里使用引喻,借用“凡高”来形容“他是文学界的天才。”但是明显这里使用直译注释法使用意译为“他是文学界的天才”要更好地保持原文使用引喻的效果。

  3.2 意译法

  不可否认的是,使用直译注释能够地保留引喻的形象以及喻义色彩。但是,也有许多情况,受到句型,译文读音或者是引喻的背景知识的影响,直接将引喻对应翻译也不定是翻译引喻的唯一选择。有时直接使用直译还容易造成误解,引起读者理解上的障碍。比如,“The news of victory is doubtless penicillin to his fever.”这里直译过来就是“胜利的消息对他的发烧来说无疑就是盘尼西林。”注:“盘尼西林”也就是我们所说的青霉素,抗生素的一种,适用于敏感细菌所致各种感染,如脓肿、菌血症、肺炎和心内膜炎等。这里直译并对其加以注释,译文让人读起来十分别扭。这里使用意译的效果也许会更好一些:“胜利的消息无疑是治疗他发烧的良剂。”同样,有时直译会使读者感到困惑,注释又稍嫌冗长,罗嗦,容易引起读者的厌烦。在译文中使用意译,可以简洁明了的传达原文的含义。

  3.3 对应代替法

  因为引喻在大多数情况下是被赋予特定意义的词语,但是这些词语的故事背景都发生在作者使用语言的历史里面。而翻译出来的文字却是另一种语言,所要面对的读者也将是具有不同文化背景的人,有时使用注释又会显得十分的冗长,罗嗦,这时在对应的译文语言中寻找一个相对应的能表达出同等含义的词语也是一个可行之策。这是意译法的一种引申,既能省略了冗长的注释,有时对于引喻的翻译也能同样能够达到等效保值的效果。比如“Harpagon is the only image I can remember him for he never paid me one dinner or even bought me something on my birthday.”这里直译为“阿巴贡的形象是我唯一能记住他的东西,因为我过生日时他从没请我吃过饭或是送我什么礼物。”阿巴贡是莫里哀喜剧《悭吝人》的主人公,是个典型的守财奴、吝啬鬼。他爱财如命,吝啬成癖。他不仅对仆人及家人十分苛刻,甚至自己也常常饿着肚子上床,以至半夜饿得睡不着觉,便去马棚偷吃荞麦。他不顾儿女各有自己钟情的对象,执意要儿子聚有钱的寡妇,要女儿嫁有钱的老爷。这里如果使用直译注释的话会显的十分的冗长,如果翻译成中文的话,可以对应的在中国的文化里面找一个相对应的吝啬鬼的形象。将引喻“Harpagon”翻译成为中国人民家喻户晓的严监生便同样可以很好的表达出这种效果。






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